Functional Nutrition

Dr. Swarthout provides individualized dietary and nutritional supplement recommendations based on health history, lifestyle, bloodwork, stool analysis, saliva, and genetic testing. Diet plays a critical role in our health, but not everyone thrives on the same foods. Therefore, we determine what fuel and nutrients will best serve your body’s needs. We offer tools to support your nutritional goals with recommendations, supplements, and meal planning. Click below for this month’s menus. We also offer custom meal plans based on your individual needs and restrictions. Contact the front desk for details.

Functional Neurology

Through his training in functional neurology, Dr. Swarthout provides a more precise and accurate diagnosis as to the cause of dysfunction. It allows him to employ effective treatments that relieve patients’ complaints in fewer visits and achieve great results for patients who suffer from migraines, vertigo, balance issue, chronic pain, and other ailments.


Extremity Adjusting

Extremities are joints coupled with flexions, extensions, and rotational movements. Injuries and stress to the joint can cause dysfunction and pain. Dr. Swarthout has trained extensively in assessing and treating extremities of the body, including shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, fingers, hips, knees, ankles, and feet.

Genetic Evaluation

Recent research into human genetic makeup has provided great insight into the true causes of chronic diseases and how we can help our bodies work to their greatest potential. Through genetic testing, we can personalize our patients’ nutritional support based on their unique genetic variants.


Craniosacral Therapy

Dr. Swarthout sometimes uses craniosacral therapy, a light-touch therapy, to restore the natural rhythmic movement found between the cranial bones and the sacrum. This is correlated with inspiration and expiration to relieve tension in the central nervous system and alleviate a variety of symptoms, including headaches and chronic pain.

Chiropractic Manipulation

The nervous system drives every part and function of the body. Misalignments, or fixations of the spinal column, impede the efficiency of the nervous system and thus prevent optimal functioning in many parts and systems of the body. Chiropractic manipulation, also known as a spinal adjustment, is a precise application of gentle force and movement that correct misalignment and restore normal joint mobility and nerve transmission. Adjustments can relieve discomfort and afferentate (stimulate) the central nervous system to help your body to heal naturally.


Neuro-Emotional Technique

“Any emotions unexpressed can be stored within the body”

Stress responses, such as fear, anger, and grief, can have a lingering, negative impact on our bodies long after the original event that caused them has passed. They can contribute to limiting or self-sabotaging thoughts, chronic pain, weight gain, and many more unwanted side effects. This technique allows patients to gain clarity on the emotions they have stored in their bodies and then let them go. Patients report exceptional, positive outcomes after a session of NET.

Cold Laser

The cold laser emits small particles of light that our cells absorb and convert into usable energy. This process reduces inflammation and quickens cell repair. It does not have a thermal effect on tissue; it is safe and painless.


Interferential Current Therapy (IFC)

Electrodes are placed on the skin, and the IFC device transmits minute electrical impulses to underlying tissues and nerves. This painless therapy helps inhibit pain, decrease inflammation, and promote the self-healing process.


Thermal ultrasound transmits sound waves that cause microscopic vibrations in the deep tissue molecules. This process creates a mild warming effect and increases the metabolism in the tissue cells and thus promotes soft tissue healing.


Kinesiology Taping

Dr. Swarthout utilizes RockTape both for injury prevention and for faster recovery from athletic injuries. The tape helps reduce muscle fatigue, encourages stability, and provides support to muscles and joints without restricting the range of motion. When applied over a stretched muscle, RockTape lifts the skin, accelerating blood flow to increase the amount of oxygen available to the muscles, which reduces fatigue. It also stimulates mechanoreceptors, which creates an inhibitory effect on pain. Patients are pleasantly surprised at the sensation of support and other benefits they receive from taping.


Neurofeedback trains the brain to self-regulate and function in a more optimal and healthier manner. Feedback is provided to the brain in real-time using sounds and/or video images. Positive feedback is used to indicate when the desired brain activity is achieved. With repeated and consistent training sessions, the feedback results in neuro-regulation, which, in turn, affects positive behavioral changes. Our research-supported, non-invasive protocols help to sharpen attention, relieve anxiety, enhance mood, balance sleep cycles, and improve overall performance and behavior.